Wednesday, February 19, 2020
The first thing I noticed when logging onto is that there is no fluff or masking. The writers tell you what you wouldn't read usually on CNN or Fox. One thing I did notice about this website is that most articles are most writers are left-winged. The writer writes from a libertarian viewpoint.
As you can tell from the title of the website, this is a channel that expresses articles about those opposing if war. Most articles have to do with US foreign policy. Even those this is a website protected by the First Amendment's freedom of speech, I can see why this website wouldn't be as popular. On many other websites people have accused this website to be  " biased based on holding non-interventionist Libertarian positions." and "Mixed for factual reporting due to not always sourcing information as well as a failed fact check." 
I could understand how this sight would be very entertaining and nice to read to libertarians since it talks about many of their beliefs, but I could see how it would outrage or upset republicans. Since this site is seen to be so biased, it makes me realize how this website would only be popular to one side.

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